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What You Should Know About Yellow Jackets before Taking Steps to Destroy Them

The Maids • November 28, 2014

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Have you spotted yellow jackets or a yellow jacket nest near your home? If you have, then your next thought was probably how to get rid of them? However, before you take the steps to destroy them, it is important to understand them first. Here are 5 things about yellow jackets that every homeowner who wants to destroy them should know:

These wasps are ground dwelling.

You can easily mistake them for honey bees. They are most active during autumn and this is when they can disturb you the most. It is also during autumn that their numbers increase tremendously.

They are small (10 to 16mm long).

They have black and yellow colored bodies. This is why they have the name 'yellow jacket’. Each of these wasps has a stinger that can sting multiple times. This makes them more dangerous than the honey bees which can only sting once.

These organisms are helpful to the environment.

This is because they eat harmful pests. However, they are also scavengers who love foods with sugar, meat and fish.

These wasps are also defensive when they feel that their nests are in danger.

Contrary to what most people think, they never look for people to sting. However, when threatened, they will attack in mass. Vibrations and sounds can also trigger an attack.

People respond to yellow jacket stings differently.

Since the stings can cause an anaphylactic shock, yellow jackets are life threatening to some people. This condition is characterized by difficulty in breathing.

With these facts in mind, you definitely now know what you are dealing with. The fact that yellow jackets can harm you and other people in your home is the main reason why you should destroy them. Instead of running away because of an attack, you should take steps to get rid of them before they attack you or anyone else in your home. And if you are looking for assistance around your home let The Maids of New Hampshire, in North Hampton, discuss with you the cleaning service options available.

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