One of the most effective ways to keep a house clean is to make it habit to clean as you go. Putting things away as you finish with them, wiping up spills, and throwing away trash make a big difference over time. It might take some work to turn that into a habit, though; if you aren't used to it.
Get started by dividing tasks up throughout the day to help keep you going as you clean and develop your habits. When things are too overwhelming and time slips away, don't hesitate to call in the cleaning services to help!
Keep reading for three things you should do in the morning to start your day of house cleaning off well.
Make your bed. A made bed completely changes the perception of a bedroom. Even if you still have clutter hanging around, making the bed will make a difference in how clean the room feels, so start there. It takes 5 minutes, and it doesn't have to be perfect!
Spray down the shower. If you take a shower in the morning, keep a spray bottle of vinegar and water nearby, and spray down the walls when you're done with your shower. The vinegar disinfects, cuts through dirt, and prevents mildew. Next time you go to clean the shower, it will be easier!
Put away toiletries, clothes, and makeup. This is where the habit forming really starts to take place. Before you leave in the morning, make it a point to put your clothes away, put your toiletries in their proper places, and store your makeup. It will only take a few extra minutes, and you'll be proud to come home to a clean room.
The Maids New Hampshire
64 Lafayette Road, North Hampton, NH 03862