If you take a look in your closet and see it overflowing, you might be tempted to just ignore it completely, but the sooner you get to it, the better you’ll feel. Also, once it’s clean, housekeeping in your bedroom will be a lot easier!
The good news is that if you do it right, you can organize your closet in one day without too much effort.
Critical Thinking: As you go through your closet, be extremely critical. Judge everything. Is that shirt or dress something you’re going to wear? Have you worn it in the past year? Do you really love it? If the answer to any of these is no, let it go. It will make your closet cleaner, and you can donate it so that someone else who might like it can use it.
Separate Seasons: Separating out seasonal clothes will cut the amount of clothes in your closet in half instantly. As you sort through, set off-season clothes you plan to keep to the side. Then, when the closet is completely clear, store those items away.
When it’s time for the seasons to change again, pull out the clothes you were storing and swap them out for last season’s clothes.
Put Like Items Together. One of the key points of organizing is to categorize. Categorizing—however you do it that works for you—will help you find anything you need in your closet any time. It will also keep your closet looking nice and organized, taking the stress away from getting dressed in the morning.
The Maids New Hampshire
64 Lafayette Road, North Hampton, NH 03862