When everyone has somewhere else to be, your family's schedule can feel like it's out of control. How do you keep up with all of the appointments, games, meetings, parties, and school events? This handy housekeeping idea from Organized Home is great: create a planner for your family.
One binder for all of your family's schedules, phone numbers, shopping lists—it's a great way to keep everyone on the same page.
Calendars & Schedules. The first thing you want to add is a master calendar and a collection of all of the schedules of your family members. It will be much easier to juggle everything when you can all look at the same calendar and check the same schedules for what's coming up.
Phone Numbers & Other Contacts. From the doctor's office to the school secretary, there are so many phone numbers that are nice to have on hand for everyone. Make a list of the important phone numbers (include emails, too!) and keep them in the family planner for easy access.
Shopping Lists. Don't you hate coming back from the grocery store only to realize that there was something you could have picked up for a family member if you had known they needed it? Make a central shopping list where everyone can add the things they need.
Chore Chart. If you split up household tasks, having the scheduled somewhere central can help make sure everyone—especially your kids—remember when it's their turn to do their chores. For older kids, make a list of all of the things that need to be done in a week and ask them to pick a few and cross them off when they've finished.
There are many more things you can add—anything that's important for everyone in your family to know is fair game!
The Maids New Hampshire
64 Lafayette Road, North Hampton, NH 03862